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Machine Ojizou-san LOVE - Touhou project Nuru

(秋季例大祭4) [白ネギ屋 (miya9)] お地蔵さんLOVE (東方Project) [中国翻訳]


Languages: Translated
Categories: Doujinshi
24 pages - Uploaded
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#214044 - ( Little did I know? ) We are now in late January early February and looking forward to summer were I get a full month of from work we were in the pub talking about the summer and the holidays, when May asked what are you doing for the summer hols Caz are you going any where nice?. Shaz and May decided it was bed time for me and I couldn’t argue with them or I would get the crop, as they walked me back to my cage May said tomorrow we have a surprise for you, I was dying to ask but was to scared in fear of getting the crop Once was enough. She bent down and pulled a big patch of my suit exposing my bum and pussy, “there you go she said as she slapped my bum “you can do your business now without getting dirty, it felt strange been on all fours with my ass and pussy on show for the world to see and the cool breeze made me tingle inside, I was dying to go for a pee but I didn’t want them to watch me, but I couldn’t hold it any longer I spread my legs as far as I could as not to pee o

Read Machine Ojizou-san LOVE - Touhou project Nuru Ojizou-san LOVE

Most commented on Machine Ojizou-san LOVE - Touhou project Nuru

Yamato no kami yasusada
Which one of them is older i guess the stepson lol
Mila marx